Science Update

Schools Science Conference - University of Westminster Science Museum - Building Bridge Project trip - (Nora and Alex, 7 Venus) On Tuesday 16th May, we had an interesting experience during our trip to the Science Museum. We learnt many things such as what objects are used to help reflect light and we also met a scientist who talked to us about lasers and answered our questions. Some of us got to see how old we look using a scanner. We also got to walk around and interact with many different objects, some of which were quite unique. For example, there was a huge machine that turned out to be a radio! We all had an informative journey and we all benefitted…

Schools Science Conference – University of Westminster

Science Museum – Building Bridge Project trip – (Nora and Alex, 7 Venus)

On Tuesday 16th May, we had an interesting experience during our trip to the Science Museum. We learnt many things such as what objects are used to help reflect light and we also met a scientist who talked to us about lasers and answered our questions.

Some of us got to see how old we look using a scanner. We also got to walk around and interact with many different objects, some of which were quite unique. For example, there was a huge machine that turned out to be a radio!

We all had an informative journey and we all benefitted from the experience.

Imperial College – Yr 13 Spectroscopy workshop